Also the use of the new technology website YouTube impacted our research as it helped us view other types of music videos in our chosen genre 'Soul Pop' such as artists like 'Adele' and 'Taylor Swift', from researching the videos we were able to make decisions on how are narrative would be constructed. Also the mise en scene used was very similar in each music video we researched which helped us make more decisions to construct the product easier and more effective for our intended audience of young females.

Through our planning the internet helped us to communicate easier and fast, through the use of a social network 'facebook' we were able to sort out what extra research or planning needed to be done next this helped us be more organised in creating our product.
The internet helped us find the right feminine font for our digi-pak and advertisement poster, to catch the intended artists and make it more effective also to keep it in with the typical codes and conventions of soul pop. The website used was this enabled us to look through lots of fonts and find the perfect one to promote the artist.
The final products font was picked and put on the poster advertisement and the album.
Planning was essential in getting a picture of how are products would fit and work to the audience expectations, using the computer software Celtx we were able to create a storyboard of what camera shots would look the most effective at each scene.

The use of Microsoft word which is a computer software helped us plan what days would be best to film each scene for insistence the flashbacks of the music video needed to captured on a sunny day in a garden so it was hard to plan because obviously we didn't know what the weather was going to be, so we had to just pick a few days, fortunately we had one of the hottest days to film the flashbacks. The shooting Schedule organized us on each taking on roles equally, and sorting out who was bringing the propps needed.
Another computer software which was the central technology we used was called imovie, this was where we could edit and change scenes to make it an effective video, for the flashbacks they needed an effect because it just looked odd going from the artist alone singing on a piano to the male and singer together so it was just very confusing to watch, using imovie we were able to add the effect of aged film which just adds a old fashioned look which indicated easier to the audience that there is flashbacks.
Also imovie helped us crop images to emphasize a symbol for example the flower is cropped to a extreme close up in order to emphasize the lyrics '
If I picked a Daisy' this is repeated throughout especially in the chorus, so we decided the flower must be a significant propp. The first image is of the artist with the flower however this is without the flower being emphasized, using the same shot imovie helped us emphasize the flower which is image two shown.
Image two, edited with imovie
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