CD Analysis
Taylor Swift
- The advert shown is of Taylor Swift's new album called 'Speak Now'.
- 'Speak Now' is an album of expertly crafted pop music and is full of soul emotions.
- The writing used in the advert is presented as fancy and bold, it stands out matching the flowing dress. The sparkle round the writing connotes the a magical picture and connotes the fantasy's behind the music.
- The singer is presented centre of the advert which connotes her importance and her independance by owning the album she has created.
- The singer has a clear complexion and long beautiful curly blonde hair which connotes the singer as caring about how she looks on her album in selling her music as something she enjoys and takes pride into. Her clothing is a long flowing magical purple dress, which encodes fantasy into the album as it is presented on the cover. The singer is wearing a colour that would be in a stereotypical fairytale, it is not to bright that it overpowers the CD advert however it emphasises the emotion and creation of the singer's music.
- The CD stands out which draws the audience's attention, the layout is well thought as everything coordinates, this connotes the singer's creation and magnificant imagery of her music.
- The back of the artists album is in a different colour scheme however is still brightly coloured, the artist is now in a long flowing similar dress as the one on the front of the CD but its in a more of a summer yellow also her hair is more sophisticated tied up tightly this connotes her change of style. The font of the writing is the same as the font on the CD front cover, it is in a deeper colour to emphasise the list of songs which are on the CD.
- The left hand side of the back has a frame with some bright colour behind it this draws more attention to the audiences eye.
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