CD Analysis
- This advert was placed in 'new' magazine, the writing in the advert is big and bold which connotes the CD's name and who the music is by, the number included is an obvious importance to the singer as it highlighted to the audience.
- The image is of the actual singer and is a close up of her in the centre of the frame to connote her importance as it is her music.The colour scheme is black and white which connotes the deepness of the music and that it is old fashioned colours to indicate the genre of the music would be soul.
- The facial expression of the singer is emotionless, her eyes are shut which connotes the music as calm and soulful. By using her hand to rest her head connotes her energy as drained and this is encoded to reveal that her emotions and work has gone into the albums music.
- The singer is stereotypically pretty and well presented, her complexion is clear and clean. This connotes to audience that she cares about herself as well as for her music and work.
- The back of Adele's album is in comparison with the front, the colour scheme is exactly the same and the artists pose is very similar however her eyes are wide open, this connotes her drawing her audience's attention to the music list created by her.
- The list is in a light white font which stands out from the dark background. The numbers connotes the order in which the audience can play the music in.
- The bar code is used to allow the shop staff to scan it for the buyer to purchase it.
- The artists name is bordering the back which allows the audience to remember her name and the importance of her creation.
- The artist's eyes are outlined with dark makeup to emphasise her emotion through her eyes, she has natural makeup to connote her natural emotions.
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